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City Update: 100 TDRs, Affordable Housing – Public Hearing Still Open

City of Issaquah
City Council Decisions and Deliberations
May 16th Update

100 Additional Homes, Plus Affordable Housing, Update

Polygon Homes has revised its proposal in hopes of bringing 100 additional homes into Westridge North (through the use of Transfer of Development Rights – TDRs). Of the five options presented to the City Council in March, the one advancing locates the “affordable housing” in Westridge, next door to the affordable housing in West Highlands Park. This location is .7 miles from the Issaquah Highlands Park and Ride, the same distance as Tract D is from the Park and Ride. (One of the reasons stated for transferring the affordable housing entitlement from Tract D was that a location closer to the Park and Ride was preferred.)

The proposal currently being considered still involves an additional 100 homes in Westridge North. However, this proposal adds 38-39 of the afffordable housing “entitlement” from Tract D  to Westridge North. Tract D would be given to Polygon Homes so that they could build the remaining 11-12 homes “entitled”on that property as market price, single family homes.

The City Council has been drilling into the total numbers of each proposal. The proposal currently on the table adds up this way: 193 (already allowed) + 100 (TDRs) + 38 (Affordable) + 12 (Tract D, Market Rate) = 343 (72 homes are already under construction in Westridge South)

The original proposal included the 100 additional homes plus 25 affordable housing units on Tract D. 193 + 100 + 25 (Affordable) = 318

On May 16, the City Council remanded the topic back to the Land and Shore Committee, meeting next on June 1st (6:30 in Council Chambers). They also kept the Public Hearing open through the City Council meeting on Monday, June 19th. Council’s Land and Shore Committee will form a recommendation that will be presented to the full Council on June 19th.

To read more, here is the most recent story on this topic. Or you can simply search “development news” on this website and see all our coverage of this topic.